02. Construct list using given q XOR queries

The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link

My Approach

  • Initialize an empty vector ans and add 0 to it. Also, initialize a variable xorr to 0.

  • Iterate through each query in queries.

    • If the first element of the query x[0] is 1, update xorr by XORing it with x[1].

    • If the first element of the query x[0] is 0, append xorr XOR x[1] to ans.

  • After processing all queries, XOR each element in ans with the final value of xorr.

  • Sort the ans vector.

  • Return the sorted ans vector.

Time and Auxiliary Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: O(n log n), where n is the number of elements in ans due to the sorting step. Each query operation (XOR and append) takes constant time.

  • Auxiliary Space Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the ans vector.

Code (C++)

class Solution {
    vector<int> constructList(int q, vector<vector<int>> &queries) {
        int xorr=0;
        for(auto x:queries){
            if(x[0]) xorr^=x[1];
            else ans.push_back(xorr^x[1]);
        for(int &x:ans) x^=xorr;
        sort(begin(ans), end(ans));
        return ans;

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