20. Union of Two Sorted Arrays

The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link

My Approach

  • Initialize two pointers, p1 and p2, to traverse arr1 and arr2 respectively. Also, initialize an empty vector vec to store the union.

  • While both p1 and p2 are within their respective array bounds:

    • Compare the elements at arr1[p1] and arr2[p2].

    • If arr1[p1] is less than arr2[p2], add arr1[p1] to the union vector if it's not already present.

    • If arr1[p1] is greater than arr2[p2], add arr2[p2] to the union vector if it's not already present.

    • If both elements are equal, add either one to the union vector if it's not already present, and move both pointers.

    • Increment the pointers accordingly.

  • After the above process, there might be remaining elements in either arr1 or arr2.

  • Traverse any remaining elements in arr1 and arr2, adding them to the union vector if they're not already present.

  • Return the vector vec containing the union of the two arrays.

Time and Auxiliary Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: O(n + m), where n is the size of array arr1 and m is the size of array arr2.

  • Auxiliary Space Complexity: O(n + m), where n is the size of array arr1 and m is the size of array arr2.

Code (C++)

class Solution
    //arr1,arr2 : the arrays
    // n, m: size of arrays
    //Function to return a list containing the union of the two arrays. 
    vector<int> findUnion(int arr1[], int arr2[], int n, int m)
        int p1=0, p2=0;
        while (p1<n && p2<m)
            if (arr1[p1]<arr2[p2])
                if (vec.empty() || vec.back()!=arr1[p1])
            else if (arr1[p1]>arr2[p2])
                if (vec.empty() || vec.back()!=arr2[p2])
                if (vec.empty() || vec.back()!=arr1[p1])
        while (p1 < n)
            if (vec.empty() || vec.back()!=arr1[p1])
        while (p2 < m)
            if (vec.empty() || vec.back()!=arr2[p2])
        return vec;

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