05. Stock buy and sell II

The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link

My Approach

Our first intuition for this problem is to use a greedy approach. However, we soon realize that there are many cases where the greedy approach fails. Therefore, we need to consider all possibilities to solve this problem using DP.

To begin solving this, I have to derive a recurrence relation for this problem.

Note: In the following explanation, irepresents the current index, and canBuy indicates the current situation where you can either buy or have already bought shares (which means you need to sell it).

  • Let's assume that at any index of the array, you have the choice to either buy or sell shares. We need to consider the possibilities:

    1. First, we don't involve the share trading at the current index and move forward with the same buying/selling condition.

    2. If you can buy shares, then you buy the share (decreasing the sum by the price of the share) and set canBuy to 0, indicating that you now want to sell the shares.

    3. If you can sell shares (means canBuy = 0), then you add the sum to the price of the share (indicating that you sell the share and store the profit/loss in the sum), and now set canBuy to 1, meaning that you are now able to buy shares again.

  • At each recursive step, you need to return the maximum value obtained from either the first condition (don't involve in trading), the second condition (buy share), or the combination of the first condition(don't involve in trading) and third condition (sell shares).

By considering these possibilities, we can effectively solve the problem.

Here is the code with the recurrence relation, but this time it result in a Time Limit Exceeded (TLE) due to large number of recursion involvement.

Recurrence recursive code (c++) (Gives TLE)

class Solution {
    int check(int i, int n, vector<int>& prices, int sum, int canBuy) {
        if (i == n) // Base case
            return sum;

        int out = check(i + 1, n, prices, sum, canBuy);

        if (canBuy) { 
            out = max(out, check(i + 1, n, prices, sum - prices[i], 0)); // For Buying
        } else {
            out = max(out, check(i + 1, n, prices, sum + prices[i], 1)); // For Selling 

        return out;

    int stockBuyAndSell(int n, vector<int>& prices) {
        return check(0, n, prices, 0, 1);

Optimized approach

To optimize this recursive code, we can use the Tabulation method of Dynamic Programming (DP) instead of the top-down recursive approach. By utilizing the bottom-up Tabulation approach, we can improve the efficiency of the solution. It's important to note that the recurrence relation remains the same for both approaches.

Time and Auxiliary Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity : O(n) since we are traversing only n * 2 times

  • Auxiliary Space Complexity : O(n*2) auxiliary space complexity for 2-d DP array

Code (C++) (Tabulation)

class Solution {
    int stockBuyAndSell(int n, vector<int> &prices) {
        int dp[n][2];
        dp[n][1] = dp[n][0] = 0; // Base Case
        for(int i = n-1; i>=0; --i){
            for(int canBuy = 0; canBuy<2;++canBuy){
                dp[i][canBuy] = dp[i+1][canBuy];
                    dp[i][canBuy] = max(dp[i+1][0] - prices[i], dp[i][canBuy]); // For buying
                    dp[i][canBuy] = max(dp[i+1][1] + prices[i], dp[i][canBuy]); // For selling
        return dp[0][1];

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