04. Reversing the Equation

The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link

My Approach

To reverse the given equation, I have used the following approach:

  • I utilized two stacks: num to store the numbers and op to store the operators encountered.

  • I iterated through the given string str character by character.

  • If the current character i is not a digit (i.e., an operator), I pushed the accumulated string s (which represents a number) into the num stack and pushed the operator i into the op stack. Then, I reset s to an empty string.

  • If the current character i is a digit, I appended it to the string s.

  • After processing all the characters, I pushed the remaining accumulated string s into the num stack.

  • Next, I initialized an empty string s to store the reversed equation.

  • While the op stack is not empty, I popped the top element from both the num and op stacks. I appended the popped number and operator alternately to the string s.

  • Finally, I appended the remaining number from the num stack to the string s.

  • I returned the reversed equation string s.

Time and Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the given string str. The algorithm iterates through each character of str once.

  • Space Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the given string str. This is because the algorithm uses two stacks to store the numbers and operators encountered.

Code (C++)

class Solution
    string reverseEqn (string str)
            stack<string> num;
            stack<char> op;
            string s = "";
            for(auto i: str){
                if(i<'0' || i>'9'){
                    s = "";
                s += i;
            s = "";
                s += num.top();
                s += op.top();
            s += num.top();
            return s;

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