26. Find All Four Sum Numbers

The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link

My Approach

To find all four sum numbers in the given array, by intuition these are the task we need to do.

  1. Sort the input array.

  2. Iterate through the array with two pointers (q1 and q2) to fix two numbers.

  3. Use two more pointers (q3 and q4) to find the remaining two numbers such that their sum equals the target (k).

  4. Handle duplicates to avoid duplicate solutions.

To do so, I follow these steps.

  1. Sort the input array arr in ascending order.

  2. Initialize an empty vector out to store the result.

  3. Use two nested loops to select the first two elements of the quadruplet:

    • The outer loop iterates for q1 from 0 to n - 1, where n is the size of arr.

      • If q1 > 0 and arr[q1] is equal to arr[q1 - 1], skip this iteration to avoid duplicate results.

    • The inner loop iterates for q2 from q1+1 to n - 1.

      • If q2 > q1 + 1 and arr[q2] is equal to arr[q2 - 1], skip this iteration to avoid duplicate results.

      • Calculate the remaining two numbers q3 and q4 using two pointers:

        • Initialize q3 = q2 + 1 and q4 = n - 1.

        • While q3 < q4, calculate the sum of the current quadruplet (arr[q1] + arr[q2] + arr[q3] + arr[q4]).

          • If the sum is equal to k, add the quadruplet to the out vector and increment q3 and decrement q4.

            • Also, skip duplicates in q3 and q4 to avoid duplicate results.

          • If the sum is less than k, increment q3.

          • If the sum is greater than k, decrement q4.

  4. Return the out vector containing all unique quadruplets that sum up to k.

Time and Auxiliary Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: O(n^3) - This is because we have three nested loops in the worst case, where n is the length of the input array.

  • Auxiliary Space Complexity: O(1) - We use only a constant amount of space for variables and the output vector.

Code (C++)

class Solution {
    vector<vector<int>> fourSum(vector<int>& arr, int k) {
        int n = arr.size();
        vector<vector<int>> out;

        sort(arr.begin(), arr.end());

        for (int q1 = 0; q1 < n; ++q1) {
            if (q1 > 0 && arr[q1] == arr[q1 - 1])

            for (int q2 = q1 + 1; q2 < n; ++q2) {
                if (q2 > q1 + 1 && arr[q2] == arr[q2 - 1])

                int q3 = q2 + 1, q4 = n - 1;

                while (q3 < q4) {
                    int sum = arr[q1] + arr[q2] + arr[q3] + arr[q4];

                    if (sum == k) {
                        out.push_back({ arr[q1], arr[q2], arr[q3], arr[q4] });

                        while (q3 < q4 && arr[q3] == arr[q3 - 1])
                        while (q3 < q4 && arr[q4] == arr[q4 + 1])
                    } else if (sum < k)
        return out;

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