28. Delete Middle of Linked List
The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link
My Approach
Initialize a temporary pointer temp pointing to the head of the linked list and a variable count to 0.
Traverse the linked list using a while loop until temp becomes nullptr.
Increment the count variable for each node encountered.
Check if count is less than or equal to 1, if true, return NULL indicating an empty or single-node list.
Reset temp to point to the head of the list.
Calculate the index of the middle node by dividing count by 2 and storing it in mid.
Traverse the list again until mid - 1 becomes 0, updating temp to point to the middle node.
Update the next pointer of the node before the middle node to skip the middle node, effectively removing it from the list.
Return the head of the modified linked list.
Time and Auxiliary Space Complexity
Time Complexity :
Auxiliary Space Complexity :
Code (C++)
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