18. Ticket Counter

The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link

My Approach

To solve the given problem, which involves calculating the left and right boundaries of a given number N after performing a maximum of OP equal operations, I have used the following approach:

  • Calculate the number of operations (op) by dividing N by k.

  • Determine the left boundary (left) by multiplying op/2 with k. This represents the leftmost value after performing an even number of operations.

  • Determine the right boundary (right) by subtracting (op/2)*k from N and adding 1. This represents the rightmost value after performing an even number of operations.

  • Check if the difference between the right and left boundaries is greater than k. If it is, return the leftmost value from the right boundary, which is left + k + 1.

  • If the difference is not greater than k, return the rightmost value from the left boundary, unless the difference is 1, in which case subtract 1 from the right boundary.

Time and Auxiliary Space Complexity

The time and auxiliary space complexity of this approach is O(1) since it only involves simple calculations and comparisons.

Code (C++)

class Solution {
    int distributeTicket(int n, int k) {
        int op = n / k;
        int left = (op / 2) * k;
        int right = n - (op / 2) * k + 1;
        if (right - left > (k + 1))
            return left + k + 1;
        return right - (right - left != 1);

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