29. Next Happy Number

The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link

My Approach

To find the next happy number after a given number n, I have used the following approach:

  • I start with the next number nextNum after n and iterate until I find a happy number.

  • To determine if a number is happy or not, I calculate the sum of the squares of its digits. If the sum becomes a single-digit element (1 or 7), the number is considered happy.

  • I check if n itself is a happy number by using the isHappy function.

  • If n is already a happy number, I return n as the next happy number.

  • Otherwise, I increment nextNum by 1 and check if it is a happy number using the isHappy function. I continue this process until I find a happy number.

  • Finally, I return the first happy number encountered.

Time and Auxiliary Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: The time complexity of this approach depends on the value of nextNum, which is the number of iterations required to find the next happy number after n. In the worst case, nextNum can be large, resulting in a time complexity of O(nextNum). However, on average, the number of iterations required is relatively small.

  • Auxiliary Space Complexity: O(1) since we are not using any extra space that scales with the input.

Code (C++)

class Solution {
    bool isHappy(int n) {
        if (n == 1 || n == 7)
            return true;

        int next, sum;
        next = sum = n;

        while (next > 9) {
            sum = 0;

            while (next > 0) {
                int digit = next % 10;
                next /= 10;
                sum += digit * digit;

            if (sum == 1 || sum == 7)
                return true;

            next = sum;

        return false;

    int nextHappy(int n) {
        int nextNum = n + 1;

        while (!isHappy(nextNum))

        return nextNum;

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