10. Nodes at Given Distance in Binary Tree

Problem Statement

The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link

My Approach

The intuition for solving this problem involves using depth-first search (DFS) to first find the target node and then tracing the Kth distance from the target. Since it is a binary tree, we employ backtracking to find the Kth distance from the parent's side link.

Here is what I have done:

Let's take an example tree:

            /     \
          20      15
        /     \
      8        22 
    /     \
  4        12 
 /   \     /    \
13   1    10    14

Target Node = 12
K = 3

-> The first step is to find the DFS path to the target node.

            /     \
         [20]      15
        /     \
     [8]        22 
    /    \
  4       [12] 
 /   \    /    \
13   1   10    14

-> Now backtrack the DFS path with decreasing Kth value.

             [17, 0]    
            /       \
         [20, 1]     15
        /        \
     [8, 2]      22 
    /      \
  4        [12, 3]
 /   \     /      \
13   1    10      14

-> The crucial part is that while backtracking, we know if we came from the left or right child. 
If we came from the left child, then find all the Kth distance children from the right of the current node using DFS, and vice versa.

             [17, 0]    
            /       \
         [20, 1]     15
        /        \
     [8, 2]     [22, 0] 
    /        \
  [4,1]         [12, 3]
 /     \        /      \
[13,0] [1,0]  [1,2] [14,2]

-> Hence, our required answer is {1, 13, 17, 22}

To achieve this, I followed these steps:

  • Created a function trace that takes the current node and the remaining distance k as parameters. This function is used to trace nodes at distance k from the current node.

  • In the trace function:

    • If k is less than 0 or the current node is null, return.

    • If k is 0, add the current node's data to the out vector and return.

  • In the findDist function:

    • If the current node is null, return INT_MIN to indicate that the target node was not found.

    • If the current node's data matches the target node's data:

      • Call the trace function with the current node and k as parameters to find nodes at distance k.

      • Return k - 1 to indicate that the target node has been found at distance k.

  • Recursively search for the target node in the left and right subtrees:

    • If found in the left subtree, process accordingly and return the updated distance.

    • If found in the right subtree, process accordingly and return the updated distance.

  • In the KDistanceNodes function:

    • Initialize an empty vector out to store the result.

    • Call the findDist function to find the target node and trace nodes at distance k.

    • Sort the out vector in ascending order.

    • Return the sorted out vector as the result."

Time and Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: The time complexity of this solution is O(N), where N is the number of nodes in the binary tree. This is because we perform a single DFS traversal of the tree to find the target node and trace nodes at distance k. For sorting the out vector, we use the sort function, which has a time complexity of O(NlogN).

  • Auxiliary Space Complexity: The auxiliary space complexity is O(H), where H is the height of the binary tree. This space is used for the recursive call stack during the DFS traversal.

Code (C++)

class Solution {
    vector<int> out;
    void trace(Node* node, int k)
        if (!node || k < 0)

        if (k == 0)

        trace(node->left, k - 1);
        trace(node->right, k - 1);

    int findDist(Node* node, int target, int k)
        if (!node)
            return INT_MIN;

        if (node->data == target)
            trace(node, k);
            return k - 1;

        int fromLeft = findDist(node->left, target, k);
        if (fromLeft != INT_MIN)
            if (fromLeft == 0)
            else if (fromLeft > 0)
                trace(node->right, fromLeft - 1);

            return fromLeft - 1;

        int fromRight = findDist(node->right, target, k);
        if (fromRight != INT_MIN)
            if (fromRight == 0)
            else if (fromRight > 0)
                trace(node->left, fromRight - 1);

            return fromRight - 1;

        return INT_MIN;

    vector<int> KDistanceNodes(Node* root, int target, int k)
        out = vector<int>(0);
        findDist(root, target, k);
        sort(out.begin(), out.end());
        return out;

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