28. Wildcard String Matching

The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link

My Approach

I have implemented a recursive solution with memoization to check if a wildcard pattern matches a given string. The function solve takes two indices, i and j, representing the current positions in the strings w and p respectively. It explores three possibilities:

  1. If the characters at the current positions match or if w[i] is a wildcard ('?'), move to the next positions in both strings.

  2. If w[i] is *, it explores two options:

    • Move to the next character in the pattern (j+1).

    • Keep the character in the string (i+1) and check for a match.

  3. Also do check for base condition,

    • I check if the index i has reached the end of the wildcard string. If yes, I return true if the index j has also reached the end of the pattern; otherwise, I return false.

    • If the index j has reached the end of the pattern but not the wildcard string, I return true only if the current character in the wildcard string is '*'; otherwise, I return false.

The recursive calls are memoized using a 2D vector dp to avoid redundant calculations.

Time and Auxiliary Space Complexity

  • Time Complexity: O(m * n), where m and n are the lengths of strings w and p respectively. This is because each cell in the memoization table is computed once, and there are m * n cells.

  • Auxiliary Space Complexity: O(m * n) for the memoization table.

Code (C++)

class Solution {
    bool solve(int i, int j, string &w, string &p, vector<vector<int>>& dp){
        if(i == w.size())
            return j == p.size();
        if(j == p.size())
            return w[i] == '*' && solve(i + 1, j, w, p, dp);
          return dp[i][j];
        bool ans = false;
        if(w[i]==p[j] || w[i]=='?')
            ans = solve(i+1,j+1, w, p,dp);
        else if(w[i]=='*')
            ans = solve(i,j+1, w, p,dp) || solve(i+1,j, w, p,dp);
        return dp[i][j] = ans;
    bool match(string w, string p){
        vector<vector<int>> dp(w.size(), vector<int> (p.size(), -1));
        return solve(0,0,w,p,dp);

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