28. Minimum cost to fill given weight in a bag
The problem can be found at the following link: Question Link
My Approach
Use dynamic programming to find the minimum cost to buy exactly w kg of oranges.
Maintain two arrays: prev and curr, both of size (w+1), to store the minimum costs for different weights.
Initialize both arrays with a large value except for prev[0] and curr[0] which are set to 0.
Iterate through each packet size from 1 to n and update the curr array for each weight from 0 to w:
If the current packet size i is available (cost[i-1] != -1) and i is less than or equal to the current weight k, calculate the cost of taking i kg packet plus the cost for the remaining weight k - i.
Otherwise, set the cost of taking i kg packet as a large value to indicate it's not possible.
Update the curr[k] with the minimum cost between taking and not taking the current packet size i.
Update prev with curr after each iteration.
Return -1 if it's impossible to buy exactly w kg of oranges, otherwise return the minimum cost stored in prev[w].
Time and Auxiliary Space Complexity
Time Complexity: The time complexity of this approach is
Auxiliary Space Complexity: The auxiliary space complexity is
Code (C++)
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